How The ZipVal logo - the six letters in the word ZipVal on the face of an old-time flip clock. Works

Learn how our next-generation Home Value Estimator, ZipVal, works in 3 simple steps:

The words Step 1 inside a blue-bordered circle.

Tell us your home's address. We'll find the details instantly.

Hint: Try it here A red arrow curving upwards, pointing at the Home Address text input field.

The words Step 2 inside a blue-bordered circle.

Answer a few questions about your home's condition and we'll give your home a customized Condition Score that we use to adjust your ZipVal.

A sample of the Condition Score gauge that we generate with every Home Value Estimate. The Condition Score ranges from Fixer-Upper to Average to Above Average, and has a needle that points to the condition level, like a dial on a vehicle's dashboard might.

The words Step 3 inside a blue-bordered circle.

We use our proprietary home valuation formulas to compare your home to actual local sales and instantly generate your ZipVal report including several features:

A dollar symbol
Your home's condition-adjusted ZipVal (Estimated Home Value)
A sample of the ZipHeat gauge, which is a thermometer with the ZipHeat score in the bulb at the bottom. The level of red mercury rises with the score.
Your neighborhood's ZipHeat™ Score, an indication of how competitive neighborhood sales currently are.
A calendar icon showing a number of days we expect your home to be on the market if you were to list it for sale right now.
Your home's Estimated Days on Market.
A line chart with a blue arrow trending upwards.
Neighborhood Sales Statistics + Recent Sales and more.

Optional: Notices

Viewing your ZipVal report is only the beginning. Stay up to date with notices:

The words Correction Notices inside an orange-bordered circle.

We review every instant ZipVal we generate for high accuracy. If we find a mistake, we can send you a Correction Notice to let you know.

Timeline showing 24-48 hours between viewing your ZipVal report and when we'll notify you with a Correction Notice if we find a mistake.

The words Adjustment Notices inside an orange-bordered circle.

We can automatically refresh your ZipVal and report on your schedule so you can stay up to date on your home's value all year long.

The words Every 7 Days inside A blue semi-circle with an arrow at the end showing that your ZipVal is adjusted every week and we'll send you an Adjustment Notice. The words Every 30 Days inside A blue semi-circle with an arrow at the end showing that your ZipVal is adjusted every month and we'll send you an Adjustment Notice.

Optional: On-Site Verification

A faceless figure inspecting a small green house with a magnifying glass.

Want an even higher level of accuracy? You can also request free on-site verification. We'll assess your home's layout, characteristics, selling points, and condition in person, then use those details to bring our highest level of accuracy possible. Our 10-20 minute ZipVal Review appointment is the most accurate way to estimate your unique property.

Find Your Home's ZipVal Now