Our Privacy Stance

Don't Sell My Data. We hear you.

Our Privacy Guarantee: We will never sell or share your personally identifiable data without your permission.

Privacy is one of our founding principles and core values at ZipVal. Our ZipVal subscribers are our number one focus when it comes to privacy. Learn more about the information we collect and how we use it.

What Data does ZipVal Collect?

When you generate your home's value using our next-generation Home Value Estimator, we'll primarily need just one piece of information from you:

A streetmap with a red pin showing the physical location of the home being estimated by ZipVal, our next generation Home Value Estimator.
Your home's address

An ivory scroll, with the words Public Records written on it in fancy cursive lettering.

We'll look up the rest of your home's details in our proprietary database of public records and show them to you to verify they are correct. These include property characteristic records like the following, that are collected by the County Assessor office and a matter of public record:

An icon of a square ruler.
Your home's square footage and lot size
An icon of a bed.
How many beds and baths your home has
A calendar icon showing the month of May at the top of the currently shown calendar page.
The year your home was built and any sale history

Condition Adjustment

A sample of the Condition Score gauge that we generate with every Home Value Estimate. The Condition Score ranges from Fixer-Upper to Average to Above Average, and has a needle that points to the condition level, like a dial on a vehicle's dashboard might.

One of the things that sets ZipVal apart is our ability to adjust your estimated Home Value based on your home's condition. To quickly and easily determine the right level of adjustment, we collect a few more details from you about your home during the Condition Wizard step of our Home Value Estimator. These can include items such as:

  • Your home's overall condition level
  • Age of the Roof and HVAC System
  • Any recent remodeling


An open email envelope icon with a piece of paper sticking out of the top with a blue border and the Z from the ZipVal logo printed on it.

During the Home Value Estimator generation process you can opt in to receive notices about changes to your ZipVal including:

The words Correction Notices inside an orange-bordered circle.
If we find an error in the value our automated formulas generated for your home during the manual review we perform on every ZipVal, we'll let you know what we changed with a Correction Notice.
The words Adjustment Notices inside an orange-bordered circle.
We adjust your ZipVal weekly or monthly at your option and will send you an Adjustment Notice when it changes.

To send you these notices, we also collect the following:

  • Your name
  • Your email address
  • The reason for your visit, such as whether you're an owner, buyer, or someone else


From time to time we may include advertisements for services provided by local Real Estate professionals like mortgage specialists, real estate agents, real estate appraisers etc. Your personally identifiable data is never shared or sold to advertisers as part of our advertising services. We may share limited non-personally identifiable information with advertisers, including:

  • Your home's general location (but not its address)
  • Your home's publicly accessible property characteristics discussed above
  • Your first name (but not your last name)
  • Your relationship to the subject property (seller, buyer, or other)

We also provide you with contact information for these professionals so you can reach out to them on your own. When you do, you explicitly share your own data with them and your information becomes subject to their individual privacy policies when you do.

On-Site Verification

A faceless figure inspecting a small green house with a magnifying glass.

You can request our free On-Site Verification service during ZipVal generation or anytime afterwards. When you do, we'll share additional information with a local Professional in our referral network, including your property's street address, your full name, phone number, and your home's condition information to facilitate the onsite walkthrough appointment. This service is entirely optional and you are under no obligation to utilize it.

Agent Sponsored Subscriptions

We provide a service for Real Estate Professionals with existing client relationships where they can provide ZipVal with your home's address and your contact info to offer you a complimentary ZipVal Home Value Report and subscription. When they provide your information to us, we'll send you an invite email for you to join our service, which will let you opt in to receive the report and subscription. You can opt out of this service at any time, and we won't send any additional emails beyond the welcome email unless you opt in.

Opt-Out / Unsubscribe

We'll securely destroy your personal data at any time at your request. Just provide your email address and optionally your home's address, and we'll securely wipe any related information from our systems immediately, plus halt any future notifications. Just click the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of every email we send or send an email to optout@zipval.com.